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17th June 2018

Come to the Phoenix Valley Retreat this coming June and experience a day of empowerment and rejuvenation. With some incredible guest speakers you will engage in some inspiring work-shops, mindfulness, yoga, health and fitness, relationship coaching and so much more

Tickets: $360 - this is a fully catered event including a delicious Nomad Nutrition juice on arrival, lunch, snacks, tea and coffee. For those who wish to linger around at the end there will be some bubbles and kombucha, you will get a goodie bag to take home and of course be inspired by our amazing line up of speakers

EARLYBIRD SPECIAL: Book before 10th May for $290, please note spaces are limited so bookings are absolutely essential
Please send us a message to book your spot and organise payment

Keynote Speaker:
Jenna Cunneen MA Psychology - Jenna is a Behaviour Change Specialist and Behaviour Health Coach. She has worked in the field of Behaviour Change for 14 years. She holds a Master's in Applied Psychology specialising in Applied Behaviour Analysis. She utilizes techniques such as Acceptance and Commitment Training, Habit Reversal, Systems Analysis, and Mindfulness. She helps clients learn to make meaningful changes in their life such as building resilience, managing stress,improving relationships, making important habit changes and living value driven lives. Her workshop will focus on teaching you to apply strategies for your health and wellbeing

Guest Speakers/Contributors
MC/Host: Rebecca Walker, owner/operator of Phoenix Valley Retreat, Vet Post and Dr. Becs Mobile Vet Hospital. Rebecca is a qualified veterinarian with a passion for life and all things possible. She is looking forward to hosting this amazing event in the gorgeous Phoenix Valley, and share a few insights about life and dreams. 

Stephen MacTavish - Life Coach - Stephen is an amazingly inspiring human being, just full of life and energy. From the bonny isle of Scotland Stephen will be tuning in with a live session to chat to us about relationships and life challenges - coming from the heart and with the great humour only the Scots can give, Stephen will inspire us to be everything we can possibly be

Sian-Maree du Plessis - Nomad Nutrition - Sian is a gorgeous mum who will definitely inspire you with her beautiful aura and philosophy on life. She will be starting our day with an amazing nutritious juice from Nomad, telling you some insights about juicing and why she was inspired to take over the company. At the end of the day she will close out with a relaxing Yoga session on the lawn

Joss Corneliuis - Press Pause - Joss is both an Internationally & Nationally qualified massage therapist who specialises in Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Swedish, Hot Stones and Reiki. Joss will be telling us about what inspired her to start Press Pause, take us through a session on reflexology and let us be awed by her beautiful "Made by hand" range of aromatherapy products

Mila Arena - V on Wheels - Mila is the incredible woman behind the fabulous vegan delivery service, her meals are just amazing and so is her philosophy in life. Mila will be providing us with beautifully sumptuous vegan lunch and snacks. She will give us some insight behind her business and inspire you to eat with love

Jamie Milne - JMT Training Gold Coast - Jamie is an inspirational health and fitness coach, ultra-marathon extraordinaire and all-round awesome guy! Originally from Rotorua he now runs a training studio over on Gold Coast - he will be skyping in live on the day to give us a run down on nutrition and exercise (please note we will have a pre-recorded session in place in the event of internet or issues out of our control)

For tickets please email

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89G Merrick Road

Pyes Pa


New Zealand

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